The slider class generates a gui element that allows a user to adjust a numeric value. The programmer has not very much influence on the slider's outfit, there are only very few tags available. Future versions of MUI will probably include some preferences options to allow the user (*not* the programmer) to configure this outfit. Note that since slider is a subclass of group class, you can get horizontal or vertical sliders by simply using the MUIA_Group_Horiz attribute. Default is a horizontal slider.
Attribute Ver ISG Type ----------------------------------- --- --- -------------------- MUIA_Slider_Horiz V11 ISG BOOL MUIA_Slider_Level V4 ISG LONG (OBSOLETE) MUIA_Slider_Max V4 ISG LONG (OBSOLETE) MUIA_Slider_Min V4 ISG LONG (OBSOLETE) MUIA_Slider_Quiet V6 I.. BOOL MUIA_Slider_Reverse V4 ISG BOOL (OBSOLETE)
NAME MUIA_Slider_Horiz -- (V11) [ISG], BOOL FUNCTION Specify if you want a horizontal or vertical slider. Also understands MUIA_Group_Horiz to be compatible with previous versions of MUI.
NAME MUIA_Slider_Level -- (V4 ) [ISG], LONG (OBSOLETE) FUNCTION The current position of the slider knob. This value is guaranteed to be between MUIA_Slider_Min and MUIA_Slider_Max. EXAMPLE /* vertical task priority slider */ SliderObject, MUIA_Group_Horiz , FALSE, MUIA_Slider_Min , -20, MUIA_Slider_Max , 20, MUIA_Slider_Level, 0, End; SEE ALSO MUIA_Slider_Min, MUIA_Slider_Max
NAME MUIA_Slider_Max -- (V4 ) [ISG], LONG (OBSOLETE) FUNCTION Adjust the maximum value for a slider object. SEE ALSO MUIA_Slider_Min, MUIA_Slider_Level
NAME MUIA_Slider_Min -- (V4 ) [ISG], LONG (OBSOLETE) FUNCTION Adjust the minimum value for a slider object. Of course you can use negative number, e.g. for a slider to adjust task priority. SEE ALSO MUIA_Slider_Max, MUIA_Slider_Level
NAME MUIA_Slider_Quiet -- (V6 ) [I..], BOOL FUNCTION When set to TRUE, the slider doesn't display it's current level in a text object. SEE ALSO MUIA_Slider_Level
NAME MUIA_Slider_Reverse -- (V4 ) [ISG], BOOL (OBSOLETE) FUNCTION Setting this attribute to TRUE will reverse the direction of the slider. SEE ALSO MUIA_Slider_Min, MUIA_Slider_Max, MUIA_Slider_Level
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